Breaking Down the Numbers: The Cost of the Closet (The Business Case for LGBTQIA+ Inclusion)
How much does it cost you not to be inclusive of LGBTQIA+ people? Organizations rarely consider how much it actually costs them when they don’t create inclusive spaces for LGBTQIA+ folks. But the price tag can be quite hefty. There’s the cost of lower levels of engagement. The cost of higher voluntary turnover. The cost of recruitment. The cost of decreased innovation. And so many other potential business impacts.
But how do you calculate the cost? What are the considerations you should think about when trying to quantify the price you’re paying for a lack of focus on LGBTQIA+ inclusion?
Breaking Down the Numbers: The Cost of the Closet is an engaging and thought-provoking look at the hard numbers of how much organizations are wasting by not putting specific focus on inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people. Based on his best-selling book Alphabet Soup: The Essential Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion at Work, Michael uses data and research to prove the business case for why organizations should be paying particular attention to their LGBTQIA+ people.
Learning Objectives
Participants will come away with a clear understanding of:
The potential cost of inaction.
Areas organizations should be paying attention to as it relates to LGBTQIA+ people, their engagement and their loyalty – internally and externally.
Ideas for measuring the return on investment of LGBTQIA+ inclusion.
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What People Are Saying:
It was our great pleasure to work with Michael Bach during our Pride Month 2022 lineup! Michael joined us in person and virtually to an audience of over 200 attendees and shared the importance of creating safe environments that are diverse, inclusive and welcoming to everyone. Michael’s keynote, based on his book Alphabet Soup: The Essential Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion at Work, was delivered with clarity and humour, it was an absolute pleasure to learn from him. I highly recommend his book and encourage everyone to take in the message Michael so eloquently delivers.