Gender Fabulous: Breaking Down the Complex World of Gender Diversity.
The conversation around gender is suddenly everywhere, and for some, it can be confusing: female/male; boy/girl; gender identity vs gender expression; What is Intersex again? And queer… it’s okay to say queer now? Let’s be honest: people are more confused with the information they have now than before they had any idea about what a pronoun is.
The concept of gender versus sex is a relatively recent invention in human history. Consider that the distinction between biological sex and gender as a role was introduced in 1955, and people still don’t seem to understand the difference. How many times have you seen the question “what is your gender?” and the options are “M” and “F”? But not having a strong understanding of gender can lead to serious issues in your workplaces.
Gender Fabulous: Breaking Down the Complex World of Gender Diversity is a walk through the wonderful and complex world of gender. Leveraging content from his best-selling book Alphabet Soup: The Essential Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion, Michael Bach takes participants on a learning journey to understand the difference between sex and gender, and why it matters in a workplace context. Michael also shares his own journey around gender to provide a relatable lived experience.
Learning Objectives
Participants will come away with a clear understanding of:
The difference between sex and gender, gender identity and gender expression.
How misgendering a person can be bad for your organization.
How to create an inclusive workspace for gender diverse people.
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Michael provided our organization with amazing insights into how we can all make our workplace and our world more open, equal and considerate. Michael uses practical examples and makes difficult topics approachable for everyone. He brought a strong idea of what an inclusive workplace is – fair, supportive and respectful to all within one event. Bringing definition to belonging was his drive and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Michael to other organizations looking to enhance their inclusiveness, equity and diversity functions.