My Superpower is Privilege: Understanding Your Secret Weapon to Create Inclusive Spaces
The word privilege gets thrown around a lot, and often not as a compliment. But what is privilege? How do you get it? And how can you use it to make your organization, and society, a better place for all?
A privilege is defined as “a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.” When it comes to inclusions, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA), we tend to talk about things like “white privilege” or “male privilege”. What about “financial privilege” or “educational privilege”? There are many forms of privilege and while not everyone possesses every type of privilege, many people have some form of privilege, in some way, whether they know it or not.
My Superpower is Privilege: Understanding Your Secret Weapon to Create Inclusive Spaces is an entertaining and informative look at the concept of privilege, and how it can be used to the advantage of others. Based on his award-winning and best-selling book Birds of All Feathers: Doing Diversity and Inclusion Right, Michael Bach focuses on the individual and how those with certain privileges can use that privilege to make spaces more inclusive for all people.
Learning Objectives
Participants will come away with a clear understanding of:
The concept of and various kinds of privilege.
How privilege can impact people’s lives.
How they can use their privilege to the advantage of others.
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What People Are Saying:
Michael's presentations on Unconscious Bias and Privilege were outstanding. He engages immediately with the audience in a genuine way, which puts everyone at ease. He is passionate about the topics and it shows. These presentations have empowered attendees to affect change in their own organizations.